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Malice Domestic

This 3-day conference is primarily for fans of mystery. Last year, I met Iona Whishaw, author of the Lane Winslow series. She is a delightful person and I’ve devoured 7 of her books since then! I also met debut author, Matthew Greene, who launched his Backstage Mysteries series with There’s No Murder Like Show Murder. I gave it 5 stars on Goodreads! I also met gifted editor Clair Lamb who really helped me polish The Hidden Kingdoms of Boston. I’ve worked with over 3 dozen book editors in my career and she is one of the top two. So I’m headed back to Bethesda where I hope to meet Marlie Wasserman, whose book, The Path To Peril, is one of my favorite reads of 2024. (photo is of me autographing my book, Analytics & Dynamic Customer Strategy at a Teradata Partners conference)

March 22

Chesapeake Writer's Workshop

November 5

Annual Conference: Society for Marketing Advances