Appearances and Upcoming Events

Chesapeake Writer's Workshop

Chesapeake Writer's Workshop

This writing event is a wonderful opportunity to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor (optional), get your questions answered, and more, Jeff will pitch The Hidden Kingdoms of Boston, The Heart is Why, and possibly Knife to Meet You to several agents. Fingers crossed! (photo is an old one of me presenting at a conference - I am NOT on the agenda at this event! Maybe next time!)

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Malice Domestic
to Apr 27

Malice Domestic

This 3-day conference is primarily for fans of mystery. Last year, I met Iona Whishaw, author of the Lane Winslow series. She is a delightful person and I’ve devoured 7 of her books since then! I also met debut author, Matthew Greene, who launched his Backstage Mysteries series with There’s No Murder Like Show Murder. I gave it 5 stars on Goodreads! I also met gifted editor Clair Lamb who really helped me polish The Hidden Kingdoms of Boston. I’ve worked with over 3 dozen book editors in my career and she is one of the top two. So I’m headed back to Bethesda where I hope to meet Marlie Wasserman, whose book, The Path To Peril, is one of my favorite reads of 2024. (photo is of me autographing my book, Analytics & Dynamic Customer Strategy at a Teradata Partners conference)

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Fatherhood Training: Seasons of Change

Fatherhood Training: Seasons of Change

The Tanner Behavior Sciences team will travel to Arlington Texas to participate in a half-day training for men. Our purpose is to prepare an effective evaluation of the training. This event is by invitation only; however, Seasons will host public fatherhood trainings in the future. Visit their website to learn more. (photo is me with my family when we were all much younger - Ted, Travis, Karen, Emily, John, me, Apache and her foal, Tonka)

Front Page - Seasons of Change, Inc.

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